Welcome to Orangetree

Summer Safety Tips for Parents

Written by Shiree Lind, Community Outreach Specialist

Ensuring your family’s and neighborhood’s safety involves proactive measures and community cooperation. Here are some practical steps to help achieve this:

Know Where Your Children Are

  1. Communicate Plans: Ensure your children inform you before leaving the house and provide a return time.
  2. Exchange Information: Have them leave a contact number for their location.
  3. Tracking Devices: Consider a trackable watch, air tag or app for your child so you know where they are.

Help Children Learn Important Phone Numbers

  1. Memorize Key Numbers: Teach your children their home phone number, address, and work cell numbers.
  2. Carry Contact Information: If memorization is difficult, write down these numbers on a card and have them carry it at all times.

Set Limits on Where Your Children Can Go

  1. Define Boundaries: Specify which areas in the neighborhood are off-limits, such as busy roads, alleys, or private property.
  2. Teach them about the rules of the road.

Get to Know Your Children’s Friends and Their Parents

  1. Meet and Greet: Meet your children’s friends and parents. Keep a list of their contact numbers.
  2. Meet the parents: Either in person or by phone, and inquire about their supervision practice and planned activities.

These steps can enhance your family’s safety and create a more secure and connected neighborhood.

For more information, visit CrimePrevention.IrvinePD.org or contact the Irvine Police Department’s non-emergency line at 949-724-7000.

March 10th - Daylight Savings

Stream System Down

Dear Residents

This post is to provide an update regarding the stream system that has not been operational. This repair has taken longer than expected as the association will need to add an electrical panel. The current panel cannot sustain the power that is being requested by all items currently connected. A proposal has been received and approved as an emergency by the Board. The electrician is currently working with Southern California Edison and AT&T to facilitate this repair and obtain all needed approvals required by the City.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience in this matter.

As a friendly note, all Koi fish have been relocated and will be placed back once we get this matter resolved.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Orange Tree Condominiums Owner Association

Older Entries »

Emergency Services

Action provides Emergency services between the hours of 7:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.

All calls are routed to the after hours service and taken in order as received. A message will be taken and will be distributed to an on call Manager.  You will receive a call from the Manager and they will assist you.

If this is related to any utilities please call them first as they will have updated information.

All tenants will need to contact the owner at all times for any issues at the property.  If the owner is not available for an emergency please advise the on call Manager.

Contact Information

General Manager
Airica Sento | asento@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Katie Schanz | maoc@actionlife.com

Community Care Department
Phone Number: (949) 450-0202
Email: communitycare@actionlife.com

Who to Contact:

Community Care

  • Work Orders
  • Work Order Updates
  • Vivo: www.vivoportal.com
  • Billing
  • Keys
  • Fobs
  • Transmitters
  • Hang Tags

Ask for these Departments if you need:

  • IT ( Login)
  • Escrow (Selling your property)

Management Company

Action Property Management

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303
